Victoria Amico
Oct 27, 20213 min read
Who is Victoria Amico?
Vic Amico of Plus Sized Outdoors candidly tells the reader how Hiking Ruined her life.
MICHELLE COLLINS: AscendHer, Toddlers 'n Trails
A Mom-lead Journey
Hi! I'm Michelle, creator of AscendHer. I look forward to connecting and supporting your journey to Conquer the Upslope of running a business.
My journey began several years ago when I faced the internal turmoil of venturing with my then-toddler. Since we strive to be responsible adults, Dad and I didn't always have the same work (or better yet, time off) schedule that allowed us to adventure together. At the time, I couldn't find a network of rockstar mamas that would hike, travel, trek, or adventure with. My solution was to create one. Queue the birth of Toddlers 'n Trails, A Mom-lead Journey.
Professionally, I'm a seasoned Technical Writer, Project Coordinator, Knowledge Coordinator, and Process Strategist. I have worn many hats and have come to realize my favorite element from each experience was facilitating and bringing participants together. I tend to think outside of the typical box, leading me to recognize pain points and hurdles that can bring productivity to a hard stop.
After recognizing my talent as a facilitator, I began brainstorming how I could connect my love for adventure and the outdoors with my skill set. What could I offer that sets me apart from others that are so amazing and more talented? My answer, AscendHer.
Let's Conquer the Upslope and the gnarly aspects of professional ascension.
as·cend·er | /əˈsendÉ™r/
2: climbing
a device (usually mechanical) used for climbing a rope, or for facilitating protection with a fixed rope when climbing on very steep mountain terrain. Ascenders can also be used as a braking component within a rope hauling system, often used in rescue situations.
Learn more about Michelle's professional accomplishments with LinkedIn.